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We employ epidemiological and modelling skills to understand the emergence, transmission, spread and control of infectious diseases, mainly of zoonotic origin. The goal of our research is to gain insights from data and provide evidence that guides policies on prevention and control of these infectious diseases to improve public health.


As the study approaches and analytical skills we use are transferrable across infectious disease challenges, our research cuts across multiple host species and pathogens and is a close collaboration between colleagues from the human and animal health sector, and other disciplines including sociologists, economists, and computer/data scientists.


Currently, we are engaged in infectious disease modelling to guide COVID-19 responses in Kenya; research to optimize interventions for elimination of dog-mediated human rabies in East Africa; improvement of surveillance systems and data analytics for infectious diseases; studies on burden, epidemiology and control of select zoonoses (brucellosis, Q-fever, Rift Valley fever and Mers-CoV); and livestock interventions to improve livestock production and health, and ultimately the household economics, nutrition and health of livestock-dependent communities in Kenya and the region.

Thumbi (Co-PI, collaboration with Dr. Loice Ombajo) 10/2022– 10/2027 (Funding: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
Project Title: Centre for Epidemiological Modelling and Analysis Phase 2 Incubation.

Thumbi (PI, collaboration with Dr. Kavosa Mudoga) 12/2022– 02/2023 (Funding: Action for Protection of Animals Africa, Kenya)
Project Title: Kajiado North Rabies Vaccination.

Thumbi (Co-PI, collaboration with Drs. Katie Hampson, Mary Miranda, Kennedy Lushasi, Jonathan Berry) 11/2022– 11/2027 (Funding: University of Glasgow, UK)
Project Title: Data-driven Approaches for Rabies Elimination.

Thumbi (PI) 11/2021– 11/2024 (Funding: University of Oxford, UK)
Project Title: NTD Modelling Consortium: Informing Program Decision-making.

Thumbi (Co-PI, collaboration with Dr. Marcel Müller) 05/2021– 05/2024 (Funding: Charite University, Germany)
Project Title: Identification of factors influencing zoonotic transmission of MERS-Coronavirus in Kenya.

Thumbi (Co-PI, collaboration with Drs Loice Ombajo-UoN and Shikoh Gitau-Qhala limited) 05/2020 – 05/2022 (Funding: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation)
Project Title: Kenya Data for Health: optimizing COVID-19 responses through data.
Summary: This project is focused on infectious disease modelling for COVID-19 in Kenya to inform government responses to the disease in Kenya, data analysis and monitoring of non-COVID-19 health metrics to understand and estimate the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on health, and the analysis and visualization of health data to aid in decision making in Kenya.

Thumbi (PI, collaboration with Profs. Julius Oyugi and George Warimwe) 08/2020– 01/2021 (Funding: University of Edinburgh, UK)
Project Title: Enhancing Kenya's preparedness against infectious diseases: community health unit and the integrated diseases surveillance and response.

Thumbi (Co-PI, collaboration with Prof. James Nokes) 05/2020– 03/2021 (Funding: KEMRI- Wellcome Trust Research Programme)
Project Title: Application of Genomics and Modelling to the Control of Virus Pathogens (GEMVI).

Thumbi (Co-PI, collaboration with Drs Caroline Trotter and Andrew Conlan, University of Cambridge) 06/2019– 09/2021 (Funding: EPSRC – UK Global Challenges Research Fund)
Project Title: Mathematical Modelling for Infectious Disease Dynamics and Control in East Africa.
Summary: This project aims to build capacity in the mathematical modelling of infectious diseases in East Africa in order to tackle development challenges related to public health in the region. By establishing strong collaboration with researchers at the University of Cambridge using mathematics for the control of infectious diseases, project is establishing an infectious disease modelling hub at the University of Nairobi that provides evidence-based support in public health policy formulation including the control and elimination of the priority emerging, re-emerging and zoonotic diseases.

Thumbi (PI, collaboration with FAO-Kenya and UNICEF-Kenya) 11/2019 – 04/2021 (Funding: USAID-OFDA and FAO-UN)
Project Title: Livestock programming for nutritional improvements in children under five years of age in Marsabit County, Kenya.
Summary: The project is a cluster randomized control trial testing the impact of livestock interventions on milk production, household food consumption and risk of malnutrition in children and women in livestock-dependent pastoralist community in Marsabit Kenya.

Thumbi (PI, mentorship from Professors Katie Hampson and Sarah Cleaveland, University of Glasgow) 04/2016 – 03/2019 (Funding: Wellcome Trust Foundation 10330/Z/15/Z)
Project Title: Applying Epidemiological Techniques to raise the visibility of Neglected Infectious Diseases: the case of Rabies Elimination in Kenya.
Summary: The project estimates the dual burden of rabies in humans and animals in Kenya, estimates the demographic and ecological parameters relating to dog populations in Kenya that underlie patterns of rabies transmission and develops strategies for rabies control and assessment of their impact in reducing rabies incidence, their cost-effectiveness and projected time horizon to elimination.

Thumbi (co-I, collaboration with Prof Jim Wright – University of Southampton, Okotto-Okotto – VIRED, Dr Diogo Gomes Da Silva – University of Brighton) 04/2017 – 03/2019 (UK Medical Research Council MR/P024920/1)
Project Title: Drinking water under a "One Health" lens: quantifying microbial contamination pathways between livestock and drinking water
Summary: This MRC Global Challenge Research Fund project is developing and validating livestock-related hazard assessment protocols and use of microbial source tracking methods to investigate drinking water contamination by livestock and its implications to human health.

Thumbi (PI) 01/2017 – 12/2017 (WHO and GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance 2017/694169-0)
Project Title: Burden and Surveillance for Rabies Burden in Siaya.
Summary: The project generates high quality data on burden of rabies, quantify the risk factors for health care seeking, Post-exposure Prophylaxis compliance and rabies deaths in Siaya County in Western Kenya. The data and results from this analysis is to inform the GAVI 2018 Investment strategy that will determine if the rabies vaccines will be subsidized in cost together with the other GAVI supported vaccines.

  • Moeti M, Makubalo L, Gueye AS, Balde T, Karamagi H, Awandare G, Thumbi SM, Zhang F, Mutapi F, Woolhouse M. Conflicting COVID-19 excess mortality estimates. The Lancet. 401(10375).

  • Mwatondo A, Rahman-Shepherd A, Hollmann L, Chiossi S, Maina J, Kurup KK, Hassan OA, Coates B, Khan M, Spencer J, Mutono NThumbi SMMuturi MMutunga M, Arruda LB, Akhbari M, Ettehad D, Ntoumi F, Scott TP, Nel LH, Ellis-Iversen J, Sönksen UW, Onyango D, Ismail Z, Simachew K, Wolking D, Kazwala R, Sijali Z, Bett B, Heymann D, Kock R, Zumla A, Dar O. A global analysis of One Health Networks and the proliferation of One Health collaborations. The Lancet. 401(10376)

  • Nyamwaya DK, Thumbi SM, Bejon P, Warimwe GM, Mokaya J.The global burden of Chikungunya fever among children: A systematic literature review and meta-analysis. PLOS Global Public Health. 2(12).

  • Thumbi SM, Blumberg L, le Roux K, Salahuddin N, Abela B.A call to accelerate an end to human rabies deaths. The Lancet. Vol 400.

  • Muema JOboge HMutono NMakori A, Oyugi J, Bukania Z, Njuguna J, Jost C, Ogoti B, Omulo S, Thumbi SM.Sero–epidemiology of brucellosis in people and their livestock: A linked human–animal cross-sectional study in a pastoralist community in Kenya. Frontiers in Veterinary Science. Vol.9.

  • Thumbi SM, Blumberg L,le Roux K, Salahuddin N, Abela B (2022). A call to accelerate an end to human rabies deaths. The Lancet. 400(10369). DOI:

  • Mutono N, Wright J, Mutunga M, Mutembei H, Thumbi SM (2022). Impact of traffic congestion on spatial access to healthcare services in Nairobi. Frontiers in Health Services.

  • Borlase A, Rutte EA, Castaño S, Blok D, Toor J, Giardina F, Davis EL, Aliee M, Anderson RM, Ayabina D, Basáñez M, Blumberg S, Rivera RMC, Chitnis N, Coffeng LE, Davis CN, Deiner M, Diggle PJ, Fronterrè C, Giorgi E, Graham M, Hamley JID, Hollingsworth TD, Keeling MJ, Kura K, Lietman TM, Malizia V, Medley GF, Michael E, Thumbi SMMutono N, Porco T, Prada JM, Rock KS, Sharma S, Spencer S, Stolk WA, Touloupou P, Vasconcelos A, Vegvari C, de Vlas SJ (2022).Evaluating and mitigating the potential indirect effect of COVID-19 on control programmes for seven neglected tropical diseases: a modelling study. The Lancet Global Health. 10(11).

  • Muema JMutono N, Wheelhouse N, Njuguna J, Jost C, Oyugi J, Bukania Z, Oboge HOgoti BMakori A, Fernandez MP, Omulo S, Thumbi SM (2022).Endemicity of Coxiella burnetii infection among people and their livestock in pastoral communities in northern Kenya. Heliyon.

  • Kiarie H, Temmerman M, Mutono N, Nzisa L, Thuo W, Oramisi V, Nyaga L, Karimi J, Wamalwa P, Gatheca G, Mwenda V, Ombajo LA, Thumbi SM, Cosmas L, Kiarie J, Soe K, Munyao O, Gathiti Z, Maina L, Godana A, Muthee R, Onyango B, Langat C, Wangari C, Sadia C, Onyango J, Kimanga D, Nyangasi M, Otieno D, Kamau P, Cheburet S, Kibet S, Gitau S. The COVID-19 pandemic and disruptions to essential health services in Kenya: a retrospective time-series analysis The Lancet Global Health.10(9).

  • Kimani TNMutono NOwino LMakori A, Ombajo LA, Maritim M, Anzala O, Thumbi SM (2022). Infectious disease modelling for SARS-CoV-2 in Africa to guide policy: A systematic review. Epidemics

  • Otiang E, Yoder J, Manian S, Campbell ZA, Thumbi SM, Njagi LW, Nyaga PN, Palmer GH (2022). Vaccination of household chickens results in a shift in young children’s diet and improves child growth in rural Kenya. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 119(24).

  • Nyamwaya DK, Otiende M, Mwango L, Kariuki SM, Otieno B, Omuoyo DO, Githinji G, Kitsao BS, Karanja HK, Gitonga JN, Laurent ZR, Davies A, Mwarumba S, Agoti CN, Thumbi SM, Hamaluba MM, Newton CR, Bejon P, Warimwe GM (2022). Incidence of chikungunya virus infections among Kenyan children with neurological disease, 2014–2018: A cohort study. PLoS Medicine 19(5).

  • Ombajo LA, Mutono N, Sudi P, Mutua M, Sood M, Loo, AM, Juma P, Odhiambo J, Shah R, Wangai F, Maritim M, Anzala O, Amoth P, Kamuri E, Munyu W, SM Thumbi (2022). Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients hospitalised with COVID-19 in Kenya: a multicentre cohort study. BMJ Open 12(5).

  • Tidman R, Thumbi SM, Wallace R, Balogh KD, Iwar V, Dieuzy-Labaye I, Song J, Shadomy S, Qiu Y, Torres G, Hutchison J, Abela-Ridder B, Bote K, Beeching S, Cronin K, Trees A (2022). United Against Rabies Forum: The One Health Concept at Work. Frontiers in public health. Vol 10.

  • Chuchu VM, Kitala PM, Bichanga P, Ksee D, Muturi M, Mwatondo A, Nasimiyu C, Maritim M, Mutono N, Beyene TJ, Druelles S, Hampson K, Thumbi SM (2022).Rabies elimination in rural Kenya: need for improved availability of human vaccines, awareness and knowledge on rabies and its management among healthcare workers, Frontiers in Public Health. Vol 10

  • Mutono N, Wright J, Mutembei H, Thumbi SM (2022).Spatio-temporal patterns of domestic water distribution, consumption and sufficiency: Neighbourhood inequalities in Nairobi, Kenya. Habitat International, 119.

  • Scott TP, Sharma SK,Wallace RM, Nel LH, Adhikari SK,Abela-Ridder B, Thumbi SM. (2021). Assessing the practicalities of joint snakebite and dog rabies control programs: Commonalities and potential pitfalls. Toxicon: X. 12(2021) 100084.
  • Warimwe GM, Francis MJ, Bowden TA, Thumbi SM, Charleston B. (2021) Using cross-species vaccination approaches to counter emerging infectious diseases. Nature Review Immunology. 2021 Jun 17.
  • Nyamwaya, D. K., Otiende, M., Omuoyo, D. O., Githinji, G., Karanja, H. K., Gitonga, J. N., de Laurent, Z., Otieno, J. R., Sang, R., Kamau, E., Cheruiyot, S., Otieno, E., Agoti, C. N., Bejon, P., Thumbi, S. M., Warimwe, G. M. (2021). Endemic chikungunya fever in Kenyan children: a prospective cohort study. BMC Infectious Diseases, 21(1), 186.
  • Laing, G., Vigilato MAN, Cleaveland, S., Thumbi, SM., Blumberg, L., Salahuddin, N., Abdela-Ridder, B., Harrison, W. (2021). One Health for neglected tropical diseases. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 115(2), 182-184.
  • Muturi M, Akoko J, Nthiwa D, Chege B, Nyamota R, Mutiiria M, Maina J, Thumbi SMNyamai MKahariri S, Sitawa R, Kimutai J, Kuria W, Mwatondo A, Bett B.(2021) Serological evidence of single and mixed infections of Rift Valley fever virus, Brucella spp. and Coxiella burnetii in dromedary camels in Kenya. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. Mar 26;15(3):e0009275.
  • Otiang E, Thumbi SM, Campbell ZA, Njagi LW, Nyaga PN, Palmer GH. (2021) Impact of routine Newcastle disease vaccination on chicken flock size in smallholder farms in western Kenya.PLoS One.Mar 18;16(3):e0248596.
  • Mutono, N., Wright, J. E., Mutembei, H., Muema, J., Mair, T. L., Mutunga, M., Thumbi, S. M. (2021). The nexus between improved water supply and water-borne diseases in urban areas in Africa: a scoping review. AAS open research, 4, 27.
  • Omulo, S. A., Lofgren, E., Lockwood, S., Thumbi, S. M., Bigogo, G., Ouma, A., Verani, J. R., Juma, B., Njenga, M. Kariuki, Kariuki, S., McElwain, T. F., Palmer, G. H., Call, D. R. (2021). Carriage of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in a high-density informal settlement in Kenya is associated with environmental risk-factors. Antimicrobial resistance and infection control, 10(1), 18.
  • Okotto-Okotto, J., da Trajano Gomes Silva, D., Kwoba, E., Thumbi, S. M., Wanza, P., Yu, W., Wright, J. A. (2020). Effect of Inter-Observer Variation on the Association between Contamination Hazards and the Microbiological Quality of Water Sources: A Longitudinal Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24).

  • Mutono, N., Wright, J. E., Mutembei, H., Muema, J., Mair, T. L., Mutunga, M., Thumbi, S. M. (2020). The nexus between improved water supply and water-borne diseases in urban areas in Africa: a scoping review protocol. AAS open research, 3, 12.

  • Bolon, I., Mason, J., O'Keeffe, P. T., Haeberli, P., Adan, H. A., Karenzi, J. M., Osman, A. A., Thumbi, S. M.Chuchu, V.Nyamai, M., Babo Martins, S., Wipf, N. C., de Ruiz Castañeda, R. (2020). One Health education in Kakuma refugee camp (Kenya): From a MOOC to projects on real world challenges. One health (Amsterdam, Netherlands), 10, 100158.

  • Gigante, C. M., Yale, G., Condori, R. E., Costa, N. C., Long, N. V., Minh, P. Q., Chuong, V. D., Tho, N. D., Thanh, N. T., Thin, N. X., Hanh NTH, Wambura, G., Ade, F., Mito, O., Chuchu, V., Muturi, M., Mwatondo, A., Hampson, K., Thumbi, S. M., Thomae, B. G., de Paz, V. H., Meneses, S., Munyua, P., Moran, D., Cadena, L., Gibson, A., Wallace, R. M., Pieracci, E. G., Li, Y. (2020). Portable Rabies Virus Sequencing in Canine Rabies Endemic Countries Using the Oxford Nanopore MinION. Viruses, 12(11).

  • Callaby, R., Jennings, A., Thumbi, S. M., Mbole-Kariuki, M., Van Wyk, I., Kiara, H., Coetzer JAW, Woolhouse MEJ, Hanotte, O., Toye, P. G., Bronsvoort BMD (2020). Reflections on IDEAL: What we have learnt from a unique calf cohort study. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 181, 105062.

  • Callaby, R., Pendarovski, C., Jennings, A., Thumbi, S.M., Van Wyk, I., Mbole-Kariuki, M., Kiara, H., Toye, P. G., Kemp, S., Hanotte, O., Coetzer JAW, Handel, I. G., Woolhouse MEJ, de Clare Bronsvoort, B. M. (2020). IDEAL, the Infectious Diseases of East African Livestock project open access database and biobank. Scientific data, 7(1), 224.

  • Ferguson, A. W., Muloi, D., Ngatia, D. K., Kiongo, W., Kimuyu, D. M., Webala, P. W., Olum, M. O., Muturi, M., Thumbi, S. M., Woodroffe, R., Murugi, L., Fèvre, E. M., Murray, S. B., Martins, D. J. (2020). Volunteer based approach to dog vaccination campaigns to eliminate human rabies: Lessons from Laikipia County, Kenya. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 14(7), e0008260.

  • Otiang, E., Campbell, Z. A., Thumbi, S. M., Njagi, L. W., Nyaga, P. N., Palmer, G. H. (2020). Mortality as the primary constraint to enhancing nutritional and financial gains from poultry: A multi-year longitudinal study of smallholder farmers in western Kenya. PLoS One, 15(5), e0233691.

  • Brunker K, Jaswant G, Thumbi SM, Lushasi K, Lugelo A, Czupryna AM, Ade F, Wambura G, Chuchu V, Steenson R, Ngeleja C, Bautista C, Manalo DL, Gomez MRR, Chu MYJV, Miranda ME, Kamat M, Rysava K, Espineda J, Silo EAV, Aringo AM, Bernales RP, Adonay FF, Tildesley MJ, Marston DA, Jennings DL, Fooks AR, Zhu W, Meredith LW, Hill SC, Poplawski R, Gifford RJ, Singer JB, Maturi M, Mwatondo A, Biek R, Hampson K (2020) Rapid in-country sequencing of whole virus genomes to inform rabies elimination programmes. Wellcome Open Res. 2020 Jan 7; 5:3.

  • Njenga MK, Ogolla E, Thumbi SM, Ngere I, Omulo S, Muturi M, Marwanga D, Bitek A, Bett B, Widdowson MA, Munyua P, Osoro EM (2020) Comparison of knowledge, attitude, and practices of animal and human brucellosis between nomadic pastoralists and non-pastoralists in Kenya. BMC Public Health. 2020 Feb 24;20(1):269.

  • WHO Rabies Modelling Consortium. Zero human deaths from dog-mediated rabies by 2030: perspectives from quantitative and mathematical modelling [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 1 approved with reservations] Gates Open Research 2020, 3:1564

  • Danny Sheath, Rafael Luis Ruiz De Castaneda, Nefti-Eboni Bempong, Mario Raviglione, Catherine Machalaba, Michael S Pepper, Effy Vayena, Nicolas Ray, Didier Wernli, Gérard Escher, François Grey, Bernice Simone Elger, Dirk Helbing, Kaj-Kolja Kleineberg, David Henri Beran, J Jaime Miranda, Mark D Huffman, Fred Hersch, Fred Andayi, SM Thumbi, Valérie D’Acremont, Mary-Anne Hartley, Jakob Zinsstag, James Larus, María Rodríguez Martínez, Philippe J Guerin, Laura Merson, Vinh-Kim Ngyuen, Frank Rühli, Antoine Geissbuhler, Marcel Salathé, Isabelle Bolon, Catharina Boehme, Seth Franklin Berkley, Alain-Jacques Valleron, Olivia Keiser, Laurent Kaiser, Isabella Anne Eckerle, Jürg Utzinger, Antoine Flahault (2020) Precision global health: a roadmap for augmented action. Journal of Public Health and Emergency 4 (5):1-12

  • Thomas, Mair, Channon, Andrew Amos, Bain, Robert, Nyamai, Mutono and Wright, Jim A. (2020) Household-reported availability of drinking water in Africa: A systematic review. Water, 12 (9), 1-28, [2603]. (doi:10.3390/w12092603).


  • Thumbi, S.M., Njenga, M.K., Otiang, E., Otieno, L., Munyua, P., Eichler, S., Widdowson, M., Mcelwain, T.F., Palmer, G.H., 2019. Mobile phone-based surveillance for animal disease in rural communities: implications for detection of zoonoses spillover. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. B. 374: 20190020

  • Campbell, Z., Thumbi S.M., Marsh, T.L., Marsha B. Quinlan M.B., Shirima G.M., Palmer, G.H., (2019) Why isn’t everyone using the thermotolerant vaccine? Preferences for Newcastle disease vaccines by chicken-owning households in Tanzania. PLoS One

  • Wambura, G., Mwatondo, A., Muturi, M., Nasimiyu, C., Wentworth, D., Hampson, K., Bichanga, P., Tabu, C., Juma, S., Ngere, I., Thumbi, S.M., 2019. Rabies vaccine and immunoglobulin supply and logistics: Challenges and opportunities for rabies elimination in Kenya. Vaccine.

  • Kwoba, E.N., Kitala, P., Ochieng, L., Otiang, E., Ndung’u, R., Wambura, G., Hampson, K., Thumbi, S.M., 2019. Dog health and demographic surveillance survey in Western Kenya: Demography and management practices relevant for rabies transmission and control. AAS Open Res. 2, 5.

  • Sreenivasan N, Li A, Shiferaw M, Tran CH, Wallace R, Blanton J, Knopf L, Abela-Ridder B, Hyde T, Siddiqi UR, Tahmina S, Penjor K, Sovann L, Doeurn Y, Sim K, Houssiere V, Tejiokem M, Mindekem R, Yu L, Wenwu Y, Benié J, Tetchi M, Tiembre I, Deressa A, Haile A, Hurisa B, Yawson NA, Ohene SA, Sudarshan MK, Narayana A, Mwatondo A, Thumbi SM, Edosoa G, Baril L, Ramiandrasoa R, Rajeev M, Fofana MS, Traore A, Matchaya M, Burdon Bailey JL, Yale G, Dolgorkhand A, Tsogbadrakh N, Ochirpurev A, Shrestha K, Balami J, Qureshi H, Salahuddin N, Villalon E, Blumberg L, Gunesekara A, Changalucha J, Nguyen H., 2019 Overview of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis access, procurement and distribution in selected countries in Asia and Africa, 2017-2018. Vaccine

  • Bitek, A.O., Osoro, E., Munyua, P.M., Nanyingi, M., Muthiani, Y., Kiambi, S., Muturi, M., Mwatondo, A., Muriithi, R., Cleaveland, S., Hampson, K., Njenga, M.K., Kitala, P., Thumbi, S., 2019. A hundred years of rabies in Kenya and the strategy for eliminating dog-mediated rabies by 2030. AAS Open Res. 1, 23.

  • Wentworth, D., Hampson, K., Thumbi, S.M., Mwatondo, A., Wambura, G., Chng, N.R., 2019. A social justice perspective on access to human rabies vaccines. Vaccine 8–10.

  • WHO Rabies Modelling Consortium - Hampson K, Ventura F, Steenson R, Mancy R, Trotter C, Cooper L, Abela-Ridder B, Knopf L, Ringenier M, Tenzin T, Ly S, Tarantola A, Moyengar R, Oussiguéré A, Bonfoh B, Narayana DA, Sudarshan MK, Muturi M, Mwatondo A, Wambura G, Andriamandimby SF, Baril L, Edosoa GT, Traoré A, Jayme S, Kotzé J, Gunesekera A, Chitnis N, Hattendorf J, Laager M, Lechenne M, Zinsstag J, Changalucha J, Mtema Z, Lugelo A, Lushasi K, Yurachai O, Metcalf CJE, Rajeev M, Blanton J, Costa GB, Sreenivasan N, Wallace R, Briggs D, Taylor L, Thumbi SM, Huong NTT. The potential effect of improved provision of rabies post-exposure prophylaxis in Gavi-eligible countries: a modelling study (2019) The Lancet. Infectious diseases, 19(1), pp. 102-111.

  • Kemunto, N., Mogoa, E., Osoro, E., Bitek, A., Kariuki Njenga, M., & Thumbi, S. M. (2018). Zoonotic disease research in East Africa. BMC Infectious Diseases, 18(1), 545.

  • Cleaveland, S., Thumbi, S. M., Sambo, M., Lugelo, A., Lushasi, K., Hampson, K., & Lankester, F. (2018). Proof of concept of mass dog vaccination for thecontrol and elimination of canine rabies. Revue Scientifique et Technique (International Office of Epizootics), 37(2), 559–568.

  • Campbell, Z. A., Marsh, T. L., Mpolya, E. A., Thumbi, S. M., & Palmer, G. H. (2018). Newcastle disease vaccine adoption by smallholder households in Tanzania: Identifying determinants and barriers. PLoS ONE, 13(10), 1–16.

  • Muturi, M., Bitek, A., Mwatondo, A., Osoro, E., Marwanga, D., Gura, Z., Ngere, P., Nganga, Z., Thumbi, S.M., Njenga, K.,. (2018). Risk factors for human brucellosis among a pastoralist community in South-West Kenya, 2015. BMC Research Notes, 11(1), 865.

  • Muturi, M., Gachohi, J., Mwatondo, A., Lekolool, I., Gakuya, F., Bett, A., Osoro, E., Bitek, A., Thumbi, S.M., Munyua, P., Oyas, H., Njagi, O.N., Bett, B., Njenga, M.K., (2018). Recurrent Anthrax Outbreaks in Humans, Livestock, and Wildlife in the Same Locality, Kenya, 2014-2017. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 99(4), 833–839.

  • Oyas, H., Holmstrom, L., Kemunto, N.P., Muturi, M., Mwatondo, A., Osoro, E., Bitek, A., Bett, B., Githinji, J.W., Thumbi, S.M., Widdowson, M., Munyua, P.M., Njenga, M.K., (2018). Enhanced surveillance for Rift Valley Fever in livestock during El Niño rains and threat of RVF outbreak, Kenya, 2015-2016. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 12(4), e0006353.

  • Mosites, E., Aol, G., Otiang, E., Bigogo, G., Munyua, P., Montgomery, J.M., Neuhouser, M.L., Palmer, G.H., Thumbi, S.M., (2017). Child height gain is associated with consumption of animal-source foods in livestock-owning households in Western Kenya. Public Health Nutr. 20, 336–345.

  • Undurraga, E.A., Blanton, J.D., Thumbi, S.M., Mwatondo, A., Muturi, M., Wallace, R.M., (2017). Tool for eliminating dog-mediated human rabies through mass dog vaccination campaigns. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 23, 2114–2116.

  • Mwatondo, A., Munyua, P., Gura, Z., Muturi, M., Osoro, E., Obonyo, M., Bitek, A., Oyas, H., Mbabu, M., Kioko, J., Njenga, K., Lowther, S., Thumbi, S.M., (2017). Catalysts for implementation of One Health in Kenya. Pan Afr. Med. J. 28, 1.

  • Omulo, S., Thumbi, S.M.., Lockwood, S., Verani, J.R., Bigogo, G., Masyongo, G., Call, D.R., (2017). Evidence of superficial knowledge regarding antibiotics and their use: Results of two cross-sectional surveys in an urban informal settlement in Kenya. PLoS One 12, 1–13.

  • Muema, J., Thumbi, S.M., Obonyo, M., Wanyoike, S., Nanyingi, M., Osoro, E., Bitek, A., Karanja, S., (2017). Seroprevalence and Factors Associated with Coxiella burnetii Infection in Small Ruminants in Baringo County, Kenya. Zoonoses Public Health 64, e31–e43.

  • Mosites, E., Sammons, M., Otiang, E., Eng, A., Noecker, C., Manor, O., Hilton, S., Thumbi, S.M., Onyango, C., Garland-Lewis, G., Call, D.R., Njenga, M.K., Wasserheit, J.N., Zambriski, J.A., Walson, J.L., Palmer, G.H., Montgomery, J., Borenstein, E., Omore, R., Rabinowitz, P.M., (2017). Microbiome sharing between children, livestock and household surfaces in western Kenya. PLoS One 12, 1–15.

  • Munyua, P., Corman, V.M., Bitek, A., Osoro, E., Meyer, B., Müller, M.A., Lattwein, E., Thumbi, S.M., Murithi, R., Widdowson, M.A., Drosten, C., Njenga, M.K., (2017). No serologic evidence of middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus infection among camel farmers exposed to highly seropositive camel herds: A household linked study, Kenya, 2013. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 96, 1318–1324.

  • Nanyingi, M.O., Muchemi, G.M., Thumbi, S.M., Ade, F., Onyango, C.O., Kiama, S.G., Bett, B., (2017). Seroepidemiological Survey of Rift Valley Fever Virus in Ruminants in Garissa, Kenya. Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis. 17, 141–146.

  • Ogendo, A., Obonyo, M., Wasswa, P., Bitek, A., Mbugua, A., Thumbi, S.M., (2017). Cryptosporidium infection in calves and the environment in Asembo, Western Kenya: 2015. Pan Afr. Med. J. 28, 9.

  • Munyua, P., Bitek, A., Osoro, E., Pieracci, E.G., Muema, J., Mwatondo, A., Kungu, M., Nanyingi, M., Gharpure, R., Njenga, K., Thumbi, S.M. (2016). Prioritization of Zoonotic Diseases in Kenya, 2015. PLoS One 11, e0161576.
  • Munyua, P.M., Murithi, R.M., Ithondeka, P., Hightower, A., Thumbi, S.M., Anyangu, S.A., Kiplimo, J., Bett, B., Vrieling, A., Breiman, R.F., Njenga, M.K., (2016). Predictive Factors and Risk Mapping for Rift Valley Fever Epidemics in Kenya. PLoS One 11, e0144570.
  • Callaby, R., Toye, P., Jennings, A., Thumbi, S.M., Coetzer, J.A.W., Conradie Van Wyk, I.C., Hanotte, O., Mbole-Kariuki, M.N., Bronsvoort, B.M. de. C., Kruuk, L.E.B., Woolhouse, M.E.J., Kiara, H., (2016). Seroprevalence of respiratory viral pathogens of indigenous calves in Western Kenya. Res. Vet. Sci. 108, 120–124.
  • Gitonga, P.N., Gachene, C., Njoroge, E., Thumbi, S.M., (2016). Small ruminant husbandry practices amongst Kajiado and Marsabit pastoralists and their effects on Peste des petits ruminants control strategies. Livest. Res. Rural Dev. 28.
  • Mosites, E., Thumbi, S.M., Otiang, E., McElwain, T.F., Njenga, M.K., Rabinowitz, P.M., Rowhani-Rahbar, A., Neuhouser, M.L., May, S., Palmer, G.H., Walson, J.L., (2016). Relations between Household Livestock Ownership, Livestock Disease, and Young Child Growth. J. Nutr. 146, 1118–24.
  • Thumbi, S.M., Njenga, M.K., Marsh, T.L., Noh, S., Otiang, E., Munyua, P., Ochieng, L., Ogola, E., Yoder, J., Audi, A., Montgomery, J.M., Bigogo, G., Breiman, R.F., Palmer, G.H., McElwain, T.F., (2015). Linking human health and livestock health: a “one-health” platform for integrated analysis of human health, livestock health, and economic welfare in livestock dependent communities. PLoS One 10, e0120761.
  • Woolhouse, M.E.J., Thumbi, S.M., Jennings, A., Chase-Topping, M., Callaby, R., Kiara, H., Oosthuizen, M.C., Mbole-Kariuki, M.N., Conradie, I., Handel, I.G., Poole, E.J., Njiiri, E., Collins, N.E., Murray, G., Tapio, M., Auguet, O.T., Weir, W., Morrison, W.I., Kruuk, L.E.B., Bronsvoort, B.M.D.C., Hanotte, O., Coetzer, K., Toye, P.G., (2015). Co-infections determine patterns of mortality in a population exposed to parasite infection. Sci. Adv. 1, e1400026.
  • Mosites, E.M., Rabinowitz, P.M., Thumbi, S.M., Montgomery, J.M., Palmer, G.H., May, S., Rowhani-Rahbar, A., Neuhouse, M.L., Walson, J.L., (2015). The relationship between livestock ownership and child stunting in three countries in eastern Africa using national survey data. PLoS One 10, 1–10
  • Nanyingi, M.O., Munyua, P., Kiama, S.G., Muchemi, G.M., Thumbi, S.M., Bitek, A.O., Bett, B., Muriithi, R.M., Njenga, M.K., (2015). A systematic review of Rift Valley Fever epidemiology 1931-2014. Infect. Ecol. Epidemiol. 5, 28024.
  • Omulo, S., Thumbi, S.M., Njenga, M.K., Call, D.R., (2015). A review of 40 years of enteric antimicrobial resistance research in Eastern Africa: what can be done better? Antimicrob. Resist. Infect. Control 4, 1.
  • Callaby, R., Hanotte, O., Conradie Van Wyk, I., Kiara, H., Toye, P., Mbole-Kariuki, M.N., Jennings, A., Thumbi, S.M., Coetzer, J. a W., de C Bronsvoort, B.M., Knott, S. a, Woolhouse, M.E.J., Kruuk, L.E.B., (2015). Variation and covariation in strongyle infection in East African shorthorn zebu calves. Parasitology 142, 499–511.
  • Njiiri, N.E., Bronsvoort, B.M. deC, Collins, N.E., Steyn, H.C., Troskie, M., Vorster, I., Thumbi, S.M.., Sibeko, K.P., Jennings, A., van Wyk, I.C., Mbole-Kariuki, M., Kiara, H., Poole, E.J., Hanotte, O., Coetzer, K., Oosthuizen, M.C., Woolhouse, M., Toye, P., (2015). The epidemiology of tick-borne haemoparasites as determined by the reverse line blot hybridization assay in an intensively studied cohort of calves in western Kenya. Vet. Parasitol. 210, 69–76.
  • Njenga, M.K., Njagi, L., Thumbi, S.M., Kahariri, S., Githinji, J., Omondi, E., Baden, A., Murithi, M., Paweska, J., Ithondeka, P.M., Ngeiywa, K.J., Dungu, B., Donadeu, M., Munyua, P.M., (2015). Randomized controlled field trial to assess the immunogenicity and safety of rift valley fever clone 13 vaccine in livestock. PLoS Negl. Trop. Dis. 9, e0003550.
  • Osoro, E.M., Munyua, P., Omulo, S., Ogola, E., Ade, F., Mbatha, P., Mbabu, M., Ng’ang’a, Z., Kairu, S., Maritim, M., Thumbi, S.M.., Bitek, A., Gaichugi, S., Rubin, C., Njenga, K., Guerra, M., 2015. Strong Association Between Human and Animal Brucella Seropositivity in a Linked Study in Kenya, 2012-2013. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 93, 224–31.
  • Thumbi, S.M., Bronsvoort, B.M.D.C., Poole, E.J., Kiara, H., Toye, P.G., Mbole-Kariuki, M.N., Conradie, I., Jennings, A., Handel, I.G., Coetzer, J.A.W., Steyl, J.C.A., Hanotte, O., Woolhouse, M.E.J., 2014. Parasite co-infections and their impact on survival of indigenous cattle. PLoS One 9, e76324.
  • Van Wyk, I.C., Goddard, A., De C. Bronsvoort, B.M., Coetzer, J.A.A.W., Handel, I.G., Hanotte, O., Jennings, A., Lesosky, M., Kiara, H., Thumbi, S.M., Toye, P., Woolhouse, M.W., Penzhorn, B.L., (2014). The impact of co-infections on the haematological profile of East African Short-horn Zebu calves. Parasitology 141, 374–388.
  • Kiara, H., Jennings, A., Bronsvoort, B.M.D.C., Handel, I.G., Thumbi, S.M., Mbole-Kariuki, M., Conradie Van Wyk, I., Poole, E.J., Hanotte, O., Coetzer, J.A.W., Woolhouse, M.E.J., Toye, P.G., (2014). A longitudinal assessment of the serological response to Theileria parva and other tick-borne parasites from birth to one year in a cohort of indigenous calves in western Kenya. Parasitology 141, 1289–1298.
  • Mbole-Kariuki, M.N., Sonstegard, T., Orth, A, Thumbi, S.M., Bronsvoort, B.M.D.C., Kiara, H., Toye, P., Conradie, I., Jennings, a, Coetzer, K., Woolhouse, M.E.J., Hanotte, O., Tapio, M., (2014). Genome-wide analysis reveals the ancient and recent admixture history of East African Shorthorn Zebu from Western Kenya. Heredity (Edinb). 113, 1–9.
  • Thumbi, S.M., de C Bronsvoort, B.M., Poole, E.J., Kiara, H., Toye, P., Ndila, M., Conradie, I., Jennings, A., Handel, I.G., Coetzer, J.A.W., Hanotte, O., Woolhouse, M.E.J., 2013. Parasite co-infections show synergistic and antagonistic interactions on growth performance of East African zebu cattle under one year. Parasitology 140, 1789–98.
  • Murray, G.G.R., Woolhouse, M.E.J., Tapio, M., Mbole-Kariuki, M.N., Sonstegard, T.S., Thumbi, S.M., Jennings, A.E., van Wyk, I.C., Chase-Topping, M., Kiara, H., Toye, P., Coetzer, K., deC Bronsvoort, B.M., Hanotte, O., 2013. Genetic susceptibility to infectious disease in East African Shorthorn Zebu: a genome-wide analysis of the effect of heterozygosity and exotic introgression. BMC Evol. Biol. 13, 246.
  • Toye, P.G., Batten, C.A., Kiara, H., Henstock, M.R., Edwards, L., TThumbi, S.M., Poole, E.J., Handel, I.G., Bronsvoort, B.M. deC, Hanotte, O., Coetzer, J.A.W., Woolhouse, M.E.J., Oura, C.A.L., 2013. Bluetongue and epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus in local breeds of cattle in Kenya. Res. Vet. Sci. 94, 769–73.
  • Bronsvoort, B.M. de C., Thumbi, S.M., Poole, J., Kiara, H., Tosa-Auguet, O., Handel, I.G., Jennings, A., Conradie, I., Ndila, M., Toye, P., Hanotte, O., Coetzer, K., Woolhouse, M., (2013). The Infectious Diseases of East African Livestock (IDEAL) Project: Descriptive epidemiological report of a longitudinal calf cohort study in Western Kenya. BMC Vet. Res. 9:171
  • Thumbi, S.M.., Bronsvoort, M.B.M. de C., Kiara, H., Toye, P.G., Poole, J., Ndila, M., Conradie, I., Jennings, A., Handel, I.G., Coetzer, J.A.W., Steyl, J., Hanotte, O., Woolhouse, M.E.J., (2013). Mortality in East African shorthorn zebu cattle under one year: predictors of infectious-disease mortality. BMC Vet. Res. 9, 175.
  • Toye, P., Handel, I., Gray, J., Kiara, H., Thumbi, S.M., Jennings, A., van Wyk, I.C., Ndila, M., Hanotte, O., Coetzer, K., Woolhouse, M., Bronsvoort, M., 2013. Maternal antibody uptake, duration and influence on survival and growth rate in a cohort of indigenous calves in a smallholder farming system in western Kenya. Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol. 155, 129–34.
  • Lesosky, M., Dumas, S., Conradie, I., Handel, I.G., Jennings, A., Thumbi, S.M., Toye, P., Bronsvoort, B.M. de C., 2012. A live weight-heart girth relationship for accurate dosing of east African shorthorn zebu cattle. Trop. Anim. Health Prod. 45, 311–316.
  • van Wyk, I.C., Goddard, A., de C Bronsvoort, B.M., Coetzer, J.A.W., Booth, C., Hanotte, O., Jennings, A., Kiara, H., Mashego, P., Muller, C., Pretorius, G., Poole, E.J., Thumbi, S.M., Toye, P.G., Woolhouse, M.E.J., Penzhorn, B.L., 2012. Hematological profile of East African short-horn zebu calves from birth to 51 weeks of age. Comp. Clin. Path. 22, 1029–1036.
  • Amimo, J.O., Thumbi, S.M., Inyangala, B.O., Junga, J.O., Mosi, R.O., 2011. Socio-economic characteristics and perceptions of cattle keepers and constraints to cattle production in Western Kenya. Livest. Res. Rural Dev. 23, 138.
  • Amimo, J.O., Thumbi, S.M., Inyangala, B.O., Junga, J.O., Mosi, R.O., 2011. Socio-economic characteristics and perceptions of cattle keepers and constraints to cattle production in Western Kenya. Livest. Res. Rural Dev. 23, 138.
  • Thumbi, S.M., McOdimba, F.A., Mosi, R.O., Jung’a, J.O., 2008. Comparative evaluation of three PCR base diagnostic assays for the detection of pathogenic trypanosomes in cattle blood. Parasites and Vectors 1, 1–7.
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