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Dr. Muema Mulei


Muema is an Epidemiologist at Washington State University - Global Health Kenya. He coordinates the Feed the Future Animal Health Innovation Lab and conducts research on cost-effectiveness of health interventions.

He equally condcts research on applied research at the human-animal-ecosystem interface for understanding the burden and transmission dynamics and strengthening surveillance, prevention, and control of infectious zoonotic diseases and their impact on maternal and child nutritional outcomes.

He has a PhD in Tropical infecious Diseases from the University of Nairobi and an MSc in Applied Epidemiology from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT), with advanced-level residency training in epidemiology from Field Epidemiology and Laboratory Training Program (FELTP). 

Research Interests

Cost effectiveness| Epidemiology | Nutrition| Zoonoses

Recent Publications

Factors Influencing Iron Levels Among Women of Reproductive Age and Children 6–48 Months in Livestock‐Keeping Communities in Narok County, Kenya
The Livestock for Health Study: A Field Trial on Livestock Interventions to Prevent Acute Malnutrition Among Women and Children in Pastoralist Communities in Northern Kenya
The impact of livestock interventions on nutritional outcomes of children younger than 5 years old and women in Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Preventing Acute Malnutrition in Women and Children Through Livestock Interventions in Northern Kenya.
Endemicity of Coxiella burnetii infection among people and their livestock in pastoral communities in northern Kenya
Sero–epidemiology of brucellosis in people and their livestock: A linked human–animal cross-sectional study in a pastoralist community in Kenya
Sero – epidemiology of brucellosis in people and their livestock: A linked human – animal cross-sectional study in a pastoralist community in Kenya
The nexus between improved water supply and water-borne diseases in urban areas in Africa: a scoping review
Impact of livestock interventions on maternal and child nutrition outcomes in Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol
The nexus between improved water supply and water-borne diseases in urban areas in Africa: a scoping review
Seroprevalence and Factors Associated with Coxiella burnetii Infection in Small Ruminants in Baringo County, Kenya