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Dr. Veronica Chuchu


Chuchu is a passionate researcher dedicated to understanding the burden of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). As a PhD student in Tropical and Infectious Diseases, she is exploring the cost, length of hospital stay, and health outcomes associated with AMR.

Chuchu holds a Master of Science in Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, as well as a Bachelor of Science in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Nairobi. Her expertise spans disease surveillance, outbreak response, and a deep focus on rabies and AMR.

Driven by a desire to make a tangible impact, Chuchu is committed to generating evidence-based insights that will inform policies and interventions to tackle the growing threat of AMR in Kenya. Her research aims to shed light on the significant challenges posed by this global health issue, paving the way for more effective solutions.

Other title:

  • AMR Scientist at Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostic (FIND), Geneva.

  • Recent Publications

    Molecular characterisation of human rabies in Tanzania and Kenya: a case series report and phylogenetic investigation
    Molecular characterisation of human rabies in East Africa - a case series report and phylogenetic investigation
    Effect of Phone Text Message Reminders on Compliance with Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis following Dog Bites in Rural Kenya
    Rabies Elimination in Rural Kenya: Need for Improved Availability of Human Vaccines, Awareness and Knowledge on Rabies and Its Management Among Healthcare Workers
    Rabies Elimination in Rural Kenya: Need for Improved Availability of Human Vaccines, Awareness and Knowledge on Rabies and Its Management Among Healthcare Workers
    One Health education in Kakuma refugee camp (Kenya): From a MOOC to projects on real world challenges.
    Rapid in-country sequencing of whole virus genomes to inform rabies elimination programmes.